Dr. Grace Nangendo
Dr. Grace Nangendo has over 25 years of carrying out ecology assessments and over 17 years of experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Remote Sensing (RS) assessment. She also has experience in Project/Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Land Use Planning, Conflict Analysis, project planning and management. In addition to carrying out work at WCS, she supports Government of Uganda’s natural resources assessment activities. She has worked with Government institutions to develop several Acts and Policies, and key documents to guide natural resource management and monitoring, especially in the oil and gas sector. She sits on various national committees that guide natural resource assessment and environment monitoring in Uganda.
Grace Nangendo is a Landscape Ecologist. She holds a PhD in Forest Ecology and Management from Wageningen University and the International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), the Netherlands. She also holds an MSc in Geo-information Science in Forestry from ITC, the Netherlands and a BSc degree in forestry from Makerere University, Uganda. After her PhD she worked with the Forest Ecology and management, Wageningen University, before joining Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). In addition to currying out work GIS and remote sensing work in Uganda, she supports teams carrying out more technically demanding work in WCS Rwanda and DRC offices. She also supports Government of Uganda’s environment programmes including those related to oil and gas activities in the Albertine Rift where they have published several key documents to guide natural resources conservation in oil and gas exploration areas. She obtained specialized training in systems analysis, land change modelling for REDD+ and environment impact assessment. She was also trained by FAO in Land Use Systems mapping and Assessment of Land Degradation and Sustainable Land Management. Grace has published a number of peer reviewed papers in various international journals and as book chapters.